The very first step is to simply meet and chat about the overall visions and plans. This allows the ideas to flow, the dreaming to begin, and a friendship to form between all parties involved. With a complete set of plans, a formal bid will be submitted to you regarding the project scope, costs, and overall vision and goals.


Once the bid is complete, we will go over a detailed timeline with a complete roadmap for your individual needs. Heritage will take full management position to handle all permitting, executing, and involving all sub-contractors involved in the home build.

Budgets by category are continuously updated throughout the process to stay on top of budget goals. As a team, we will meet with our provided local vendors or vendors of your choice for finish selections and material options that meet both your budget and overall vision.


Heritage ensures throughout every phase of the process that our initial vision established during the onboarding phase is met and tells your story. A layer of styling followed by final documentation closes the project. …then it’s home sweet home for you.